About Us



We believe that the call of our lives individually and corporately is to reflect the Great Commission (Matthew 29:18-20) and the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40). Our mission statement reflects this:

“We desire to live out the mission of Jesus by helping regular people encounter a real God and working with them to discover and live out their radical purpose.”

But what does this mean at its core? How does this translate to the year 2022 in the Liberty Hill area? We are glad you asked!

At our core we believe that the Bible is 100% still true today and that we are called to know it and live by it. In order for us to do that we believe that building meaningful connections with people is of primary importance in a culture that is becoming increasingly more isolated. 

So, on a very practical level we are committed to:

-Our leaders being accessible and available 

-Connecting people with others in small groups and Bible 


-Loving kids, students, and families well

-Valuing all generations of believers

-Using the Bible as our guide in all areas of our church

-Helping people understand their spiritual gifts and getting them 

     into an area of service that they love

-Providing training and opportunities to put faith into practice 

     sharing the Gospel and going to the nations

Putting everything on a website would be impossible, so if you have any questions feel free to reach out or stop by. We would love to meet and chat with you!