What's Happening

Whats going down?

You can always find the latest information of what is happening in the Sunday Bulletin.

Click the link below.


Sermon Series




We invite you to join us this coming Wednesday night.

Dinner - 5pm for everyone!

KidZone - 6pm for kids grades K-5th (kids@fellowshiplh.com)

SMASH - 6pm for students grades 6-8th (dan@fellowshiplh.com)

Women’s Study - 6pm in Room 3 (women@fellowshiplh.com)

Co-Ed Study - 6pm in Room 212 (edward@fellowshiplh.com) 

Wednesdays at Fellowship

We are gearing up for the Fall for kids, students (6th-8th grade), and adult ministries on Wednesday nights. Our start date is September 11, and we are excited about this year’s ministry season. If you would like to know more about what goes on Wednesday nights, please email info@fellowshiplh.com.

If you would be interested in volunteering in kids or student ministry for the 2024-2025 school year, please email volunteer@fellowshiplh.com.


Service Times 3pm and 5pm



