HSM Summer 2025 CALENDAR
HSM- High School Ministry
HSM is our weekly large group gathering for students in 9th-12th grade. We meet on Sunday evenings throughout the year from 6-8:30 pm in the worship center. Our time together includes games, Bible teaching, and Small groups. We work to emphasize the importance of community with others where students feel known and accepted. HSM is also a place where students will be taught about Jesus and challenged to grow in a daily relationship with Him.
We meet on Sundays from 9:45-10:45 am, where we sit down and study God's word together.
Throughout the year HSM has activities aimed at helping our students grow in community with one another, & closer to Jesus.
Here are a few examples:
SUMMER CAMP see button below to register
SERVICE PROJECTS (Throughout the year)
For more information on any of these activities/events, visit our website, follow us on social media, our sign up to receive special HSM texts:
Text this code “FELLOWSHIPHSM” to the number 512-729-5989 to get HSM text updates.